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>AUUG–The Organisation for Unix, Linux and Open Source Professionals

AUUGN Newsletter Subscription

Application & Tax Invoice
AUUG Incorporated - ABN 15 645 981 718

Use this invoice to apply for a subscription to AUUGN. A different form should be used to apply for ordinary, institutional, or student membership.

To receive a subscription to AUUGN please print out this invoice, complete it, and return it to the Treasurer.  AUUG does not publish the private contact details for its officers; please send email to requesting the current treasurer's address.

Section A: Delivery Details

Surname:      _______________________  First Name: ___________________________

Title:        _______________________  Position:   ___________________________

Organisation: ________________________________________________________________

Address:      ________________________________________________________________

Suburb:       __________________________  State: ________  Postcode: _________

Telephone:    Business: ________________  Private: ___________________________

Facsimile:    __________________________  E-mail:  ___________________________

Section B: Price

Please tick the box to apply for a subscription. Please indicate if international air mail is required.

Renew/New* AUUGN Subscriptions
$125.00 (including $11.36 GST)
Surcharge for International Air Mail

* Delete as appropriate.
GST applies for delivery within Australia. Rates valid from 1st July 2000.

Section C: Mailing Lists

AUUG mailing lists are sometimes made available to vendors. Please indicate whether you wish your name to be included on these lists:


Section D: Payment

Pay by cheque

Cheques to be made payable to AUUG Inc. Payment in Australian Dollars only.

For all overseas applications, a bank draft on an Australian bank is required.

Please do not send purchase orders.


Pay by credit card

Please debit my credit card for A$____________
Name on Card:  _________________________________________________________

Card Number:  __________________________________________________________

Expiry Date:  __________________________________________________________

Signature:  ____________________________________________________________

AUUG Secretariat Use Only

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Date: ________   $     CC type ___ V# ____________

Who: ______________                      Member# __________