Melbourne, 1-3 September 2004
Tutorials 29-31 August 2004";
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AUUG'2004 was AUUG's most successful conference for about 5 years. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and now the conference is over.
For the time being we are going to leave these pages here for reference. In a couple of months they will be replaced with an online version of the conference proceedings and a photo album.
AUUG'2004 is the annual technical conference of AUUG, the Australian UNIX and Open Systems User Group. AUUG is the Australian organisation for UNIX and Open Source Professionals.
The theme of the conference is "Who Are You?" The conference will emphasise issues of identity and authentication on the Internet, along with issues of computer security and anonymity.
The conference will be on Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd September 2004, preceeded by 3 days of tutorials on Sunday 29th to Tuesday 31st August 2004.
The conference will be held at the Duxton Hotel, Flinders St, Melbourne.
The ubiquity of the Internet has created a raft of computer security problems: unauthorised access, email forgery, SPAM, fraudulent "phishing", denial of service, loss of privacy. Many of these problems stem from not being sure that people (or computers or programs) are who they say they are.
And so I would like to invite you to our annual technical conference: AUUG'2004 - Who Are You?
The Conference is the highlight of AUUG's year, and the best chance to meet with fellow technical professionals to discuss happenings in the world of UNIX, standards based computing and open source.
The conference programme is focused on computer security and issues of identity and authentication, but as is traditional for AUUG conferences the programme contains much that is of general interest.
We are pleased to welcome some international guests who are highly regarded in the field of computer security: Steve Bellovin is an AT&T fellow, and author (with Bill Cheswick) of the first widely published book on Internet firewalls. Theo de Raadt is the lead of the OpenBSD project, a BSD 4.4 derivative that focuses on security.
But we shall also be encouraging delegates to talk among themselves - as much can be learned just through networking with fellow professionals. We have retained the long lunch breaks, which we will fill with Birds Of a Feather (BOF) sessions, and will be holding a panel session on security. We have also retained the longer presentation sessions, so you have a greater chance to quiz our speakers and stir up debate.
We are also pleased to present the most extensive tutorial programme that an AUUG conference has boasted for a number of years. Of course there is a focus on security topics, but many other areas of interest are covered: Open Source databases, kernel hacking, Java and Wireless networks, to name a few.
I would like to thank all the speakers who have submitted their papers and tutorials, and the programme committee who helped bring them all together. Many thanks to Liz Carroll, the Conference Chair, who has organised all the nitty gritty involved in staging the conference. I'd also like to thank AJUG and ISOC-AU for contributing papers relevant to their particular fields of Open Computing.
I'd especially like to thank our sponsors - without their contribution we could not stage the event.
And so I commend the AUUG'2004 programme to you. Take a look at it, and I think you will see that it is well worth attending!
David Purdue
AUUG President and
AUUG'2004 Programme Chair
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For additional information on the conference, including discussion of sponsorship, advertising and display opportunities, please write to:
Alternately, all queries can be handled by the AUUG Business Manager, Liz Carroll. Liz can be contacted by telephone on 1800 625 655 or +61 2 8824 9511, by email to, or by facsimile on +61 2 8824 9522.
Click here to see what we got up to at previous AUUG conferences.