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>AUUG–The Organisation for Unix, Linux and Open Source Professionals

AUUG AGM 12/12/2007

The minutes of the AGM held 12 December 2007 at Melbourne Museum.


AC Adrian Close M01415
AChAndrew ChalmersM01855
PW Peter Wishart M00118
DP David Purdue M00321
ED Enno Davids M00362
SC Susie Close M01770
GG Graeme Gill NM
JO Jonathan Oxer NM


JW Jon Wright
CV Christopher Vance
PM Peter Miller
FC Frank Crawford
KA Karl Auer

Meeting Start 7:25pm

Presidents Report

Presidents submits email as presidents report

Subject: [AUUG-Talk]: Want a(n) (non-financial) organisation?  Pony up.
Date:    11/12/2007 3:28 PM

DP moved to accept Presidents Report, PW seconded, motion was carried.

Secretaries Report

Raymond moved to Mountain View and AUUG is without a Secretary.
AUUG currently has 39 paid members.

PW moved to accept Secretaries Report, DP seconded, motion was carried

AC placed motion to co-op SC to the board, ACh seconded, motion was carried.
Since position of Secretary is vacant, SC is promoted to this postion.
AC placed motion to co-op JW to Ordinary Committee Memeber of the Board, ACh seconded, motion was carried.

ED motions that unless we get a full board by the end of the calendar year that AUUG is in breach of corporated and should disolve.
Full Board comprises of 4 Officers (President, Vice President, Tresurer, and Secretary) and 5 Ordinary Committee members.

Current Office bearers

Adrian Close President
Andrew Chalmers Vice President
Christopher Vance Treasurer
Susie Close Secretary

Current Ordinary Committee members

Jon Wright

ACh How relevant is AUUG?

Someone quoted Chis Vance as saying the AUUG was swiss cheesed with the emergence of other user groups: LA, SAGEAU, Open Solaris User group, etc...
ED Doing what we have been doing up to now is not viable.
Can AUUG change to be a faciliator of other conferences, eg ASIA BSD conf, USenix in Australia, etc
AUUG's contribution of late in a conference once a year.
LCA has had FreeBSD topics.

Are we viable for the next twelve months?
AC by proxie of CV passed motion for a ballot to be conducted among the membership calling for the dissolution of AUUG, 7 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstaining - motion was carried.
AC motion for PW and ED to be co-oped to the Board, DP seconded - motion was carried.
PW volunteered to take over the Treasurer postion to relieve CV.
CV was contacted via mobile and accepted the change with hand over in early Jan 2008.

Call for other business.

Meeting closed at 8:45pm