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>AUUG–The Organisation for Unix, Linux and Open Source Professionals

Notice of AUUG AGM 2008

7 November 2008 Lawrie Brown, AUUG President

This is a notice for AUUG members, regarding the holding of the Annual General Meeting of AUUG for 2008.  This meeting will be held in Canberra on Wed 10 Dec 2008 at the CSC Office, 212 Northbourne Ave, Braddon ACT, from 7:30pm.  Please note that the building will be secured at this time, so please either arrive on time, or advise Peter Wishart at <> in advance of your likely late arrival.

AUUG members are invited to attend this meeting in person if possible, as significant discussions concerning the future of AUUG and its assets will occur.  If you are unable to attend, you are encouraged to register a proxy with the secretary <> by the day before.  You should nominate who can exercise your proxy (with the default being the Chair), your voting intentions on the motions specified below, and any comments or questions you'd like raised on your behalf for any agenda item.

Agenda for AGM

  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes of previous meeting
    nb. the minutes are available on the AUUG website at:

    MOTION 2a: That the minutes be accepted

  3. Confirmation of appointments to fill vacancies on the current board: Lawrie Brown (President), George Gerrity (Secretary), David Horsfall (VP), John Dodson, Stephen Rothwell, Christopher Vance.

    MOTION 3a: That the appointments be approved

  4. Officer reports
    • President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer

    MOTION 4a: That the reports be accepted

  5. Asset distribution
    There has been considerable discussion on the AUUG lists over its future, and the lack of activity in recent times.  There seems a general consensus that AUUG does not seem to have a future in its present form, but also that there are aspects that people would like to preserve.  Given also that in any likely future role there would be much less demand on finances, the board seek approval for the following actions to best utilise our remaining resources:

    MOTION 5a: That the electronic (domain name, website, emails etc) assets and paper records and archives be transferred to the "AUUG Preservation Society" as and when appropriate.

    MOTION 5b: That the bulk of the remaining financial (non Lions Award) assets be transferred to a suitable organisation, such as LCA, able to use them in a manner consistent with AUUG's aims.

    MOTION 5c: That in the event of AUUG being wound up, the PCUG (ACT), being the host of the AUUG Preservation Society systems, be designated as the recipient of any remaining assets at that time.

  6. Discussion of the future of AUUG Inc. and its relation to the AUUG Preservation Society.  Members should be aware of the difficulty finding people willing to assist the organisation, and its problematic standing with Consumer Affairs Victoria.
  7. Any other business