Enterprise Security, Enterprise Linux
AUUG2K Conference
28-30 June 2000
Australian National University
Canberra ACT Australia

AUUG2K - "Enterprise Security/Enterprise Linux"

Welcome to the first of our regular notes about the preparations for AUUG2K. In case you've forgotten, it is only 3 months to the conference.

This year, because of the Sydney Olympics, AUUG has moved the conference forward to the middle of the year, i.e. 25th-30th June, and we are holding it at ANU in "sunny" Canberra.

Like all previous AUUG Conferences, this is a technical conference who's success is built on the support of the AUUG membership. To this end, we are always looking for good papers from you, with the close for the CFP being on 14th April, only a little over 4 weeks away.

Along with papers from the membership, we are also arranging a number of well-known International Keynote Speakers. More details about these will be given in our next note.

For more details on the CFP or the current plans for AUUG2K, check the AUUG Home page, http://www.auug.org.au/.

In addition to the CFP, there are also details about sponsorship for AUUG2K. There are a number of different packages, from $2,500 to $10,000, or some other individually tailored package. Why not consider your company taking one out. Further details can also be found on the AUUG Home page.

Liz Carroll
AUUG Business Manager
Frank Crawford
AUUG2K Program Chair

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